Sunday 30 November 2014

Dubai finally

Now that we are in Dubai I am having a great time and before this I went on a thirteen and a half hour plane trip and I vomited eight times and it wasn't that nice!

When we got to Dubai we had a rest and after that we went to the pool and we had a great time. Another thing we did was we went to the tallest building in the world called berj Khalifa. We went to level one hundred and forty eight. It was very fun. In the Dubai mall there is a waterfall, zoo, acquarium, ice skating rink and a dinosaur skeleton on display!

 Tonight we are going to go on a camel ride in the desert and I think it will be extremely full of fun and we will be also having a BBQ at the desert and I think it will be yummy.

The buildings in Dubai are very round and brown  or they are very shiny like glass.

The food they eat here is mostly meat and they don't eat much fish either.

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