Saturday, 3 January 2015


When we left Pertisau on Boxing day it was snowing and when we arrived in München Önkel Thomas, Tante Gisela, Önkel Peter and Tante Hilde were waiting for us and we stayed in Önkel Thomas’ apartment house and we had coffee and cake at 3:00pm and it was yummy. We each got a little chocolate. Then we had to put our gloves and coats and every thing on to walk in the snow. We had dinner at a place where Tante Gisela said that Neuer (the German goalie) had eaten there. I ordered a bauernschmause and no one thought I could eat it all but I did.

During the whole holiday I wanted to go Ice-skating and I finally did in Munich and Onkel Thomas organized it all. My dad and I went on the ice skating rink and my dad was good because he used to go surfing and he had really good balance. I went 4 laps and 3 quarters without falling my mum was in the crowd cheering and I was happy.

Every day it snowed more and more. On the day we left it was the most snow Munich had had more snow than it had had in 30 years at Christmas time.  We all had a snowball fight and it was fun in the snow. I did a wee in the snow and tried to write my name and I got up to B e n j a m. The snow went yellow and it made a hole in the snow.

Tante Gisela organised for her brother Thomas to get an extra sled for my dad and I to ride on it was really fun and once I fell of and I rolled down the hill and another time I fell of and the sled ran away from me. My dad pulled me on the sled for a while and I jumped off and I ran really fast and caught up to my mum and Thomas in the car. We were outside Munich about 45 minutes. We had lunch there with Tante Gisela's brother and on the way back to Munich we got stuck in snow for around 5 or 7 minutes and it was really annoying.

We had fondue one night at Onkel Thomas’ apartment. We had chicken, pork and beef and lots of veggies. It was very nice. After I finished eating I watched a James Bond movie called Diamonds Are For Ever and the Bond that was in it was Sean Connery

Onkel Thomas took us into the city centre by U Bahn and we watched the Glockenspiel at the rathaus and watched the figures dancing. There were so many people there! After that we went to a really big church and lit a candle. We had lunch at the Hofbrauhaus and we had sausages and a really big pretzel.

We spent the last day with Onkel Peter and Tante Hilde. They took us to their little garden and to Omas parents and brothers grave.

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