Sunday 12 March 2017

Photos from Shinjuku and Shibuya

 The trains were crowded

 At the Municipal Buildings 
 View from the Park Hyatt or as it is called in Japanese Parko Hyatto
 Me ready to take a picture
 Me at Meiji Shrine
 At the top of the Municipal Tower
 Meiji Park
 I can't remember the name of this temple and shrine - we found it while walking around
 At the Park Hyatt Pool
 Meiji Shrine
 Takeshita Street (haha)
 With Dad looking at records
 At the municipal building 
 Crazy Panaromas
 The best Sasebo Burger
 Shabu Shabu great food
 Writing my blog
 Me being forced to be Bill Murray in Lost in Translation. Dad did it too.
 Dinner at the Park Hyatt Restaurant
 Me and Mum at the Arcade
 Shibuya Scramble - meant to be the busiest pedestrian crossing in the world
 Me at Shibuya Scramble
 Playing Soccer
At at temple

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